Notice of URL Change
update 2016-7-21
Information Technology Center
Information System Department
UTokyo OPAC will be renewed at July, 21 2016. And the following online services will have new URL.(New URL can be used after July, 21 2016.)
yASK Servicez
until July, 21Fhttps://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ask/?LANG=1
after July, 21Fhttps://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/opac/ask/?lang=1
yMyOPAC login pagez
until July, 21Fhttps://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/myopac/index.php?LANG=1
after July, 21Fhttps://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/opac/opac_search/?loginMode=disp&lang=1
There is no change in URL of a front page.
2016.7.14 addiotional informationF
Due to this URL change, A Link error will occer in the periods below.
EJuly, 21 @9 a.m.`July, 24 y20160721editedz
A Link from 'TREE' to the OPAC
EJuly, 20 @9 p.m.`July, 21 @9 a.m.
A Link from 'UTokyo Article Link' to the OPAC
Another news about renewal of UTokyo OPAC.
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